bootmod3 CustomROM V1 Features + New Map Editor + UI Enhancements

bootmod3 CustomROM V1 Features + New Map Editor + UI Enhancements

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The most comprehensive bootmod3 software update is finally here and we are delighted to share it with everyone. Multiple features have been in development since mid 2020, many of which have been demo-ed to public throughout the time we were developing them. In December 2020 we completed development on the pre 2019 software S55s. We decided to finish 2019+ support as well and release it all together. It has endured a considerable delay from the initially planned release but we’ve managed to cover everything and in the process add even more functionality to the Map Editor and cover testing more extensively.

Our first release of the bootmod3 CustomROM is now ready for the S55 engine vehicles while we continue to work on adding these features to other vehicles in the bootmod3 lineup. Changes done for the S55 are being ported to the N55 vehicles followed by the B58.

UPDATE (May 12, 2021): N55-EWG CustomROM functionality released

UPDATE (June 16, 2021): N55-M2 CustomROM functionality released

To read about the bootmod3 CustomROM features available on the S55 engine refer to document below:

bootmod3 CustomROM Release - BMW S55, N55-EWG, N55-M2, Gen1 B48 and B58, Gen2 B48 and B58 Engine Support

To read about the changes in the new bootmod3 Map Editor, refer to this document:

bootmod3 Map Editor Release

For Tuning Tables overview for Map Switching, Flex Fuel and AntiLag refer to this document:

bootmod3 CustomROM Tuning - S55, N55-EWG, N55-PWG, N55-M2, Gen1 B48 and B58, Gen2 B48 and Gen2 B58, and S58 Engine Support

