OBD Agent Instructions - Laptop version

OBD Agent Instructions - Laptop version

OBD Agent software can be used on your laptop instead of the WIFI enabled bootmod3 hardware device.


You’ll need the following to set the agent up:

OBD Agent Startup

IMPORTANT: Once you start the agent it’ll read the VIN number from the vehicle and connect to the bootmod3 servers. If you’ve placed an order but haven’t provided us your VIN number the agent will not be able to connect successfully with our servers.

Once the OBD agent is running, you’ll use the Activation Key to activate/register you vehicle on the web at:



*** I can't seem to connect with OBD agent on my laptop, says to check cable and reset battery but still no VIN detected. What do I do? ***

Ensure that you have no piggybacks activate such as a JB4, Dinan etc or exhaust valve controllers. Ensure your Firewall and Windows Defender are off and any anti-virus or network security software are off as they may block communication with the car. Last but not least, check your Ethernet IPV4 settings to ensure your IP address is set to Automatic (DHCP) instead of Manual.

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