bootmod3 Release Notes
Purpose of this document is to provide bootmod3 users with a central location for release notes describing changes to the overall platform, new features released and ongoing changes and updates to various OTS Maps.
Platform Release Notes
This section lists changes to the bootmod3 overall platform such as new screens and changes to the bootmod3 OBD Agent.
NOTE: For latest updates join the 'bootmod3 enthusiasts' Facebook group!
June 17, 2024:
B48-T0 OTS update:
- Burble applied to all models with the B48-T0 engine
- Boost control changes allowing more boost pressure
May 21, 2024:
S58-2 MultiMap OTS update:
- Revised flexfuel maps, to provide a higher power and torque output at a maximum ethanol percentage of 50%
- New boost control for stage 2 maps with high flow downpipes to prevent overboost
- Multimap maximum power is now reached at 50% ethanol
March 25, 2024:
B58-T0-C OTS map update:
Version 2.7:
- Burble applied to all models with the B58-T0-C engine
- Stage 2 E50 OTS and multimaps has altered end of injection to prevent a potential torque limitation
- Multimaps maximum power is now reached at 50% ethanol
March 19, 2024:
N20-PWG-H OTS map update:
Version 3.3:
- Speed limiter increase applied to work on all models
- Changes to torque control at lower RPM
- Boost pressure increase to redline
March 18, 2024:
S58-2 G8X CustomROM update for Femto Unlock Vehicles:
ROM support added to F4C9L8N6B (swfl_00005c64.bin.020_110_006)
March 14, 2024:
N63-172H OTS map update:
Version 5.4:
Stage 1 OTS maps:
- Speed limiter fixed across all models
- Boost control changed for OEM downpipes
Stage 2 OTS maps:
- Speed limiter fixed across all models
- Boost control changed for High-Flow downpipes
B58-T0-D OTS map update:
Stage 2 E50 octane OTS has been updated to version 2.9:
- Changed injection window to prevent a torque limitation.
October 31, 2023:
B58-T0-D OTS map update:
This new update includes a remake of the boost control and burble configuration.
Boost control has been changed so boost reaches its target quicker than the previous OTS map versions. Moreover, boost is kept close to its target all the way to redline resulting in a slight power increase.
Burble configuration has been redone to work on non mild-hybrid and mild-hybrid software versions.
September 28, 2023:
S58-1 MultiMap OTS map update:
This new update brings more power for users utilizing a flexfuel sensor on their S58-1. Moreover, maximum power is now achieved at 50% ethanol to prevent HPFP from crashing at high ethanol contents.
Moreover, users who had OPF cars experienced a load limitation at higher RPM, this has now been lifted to match the OTS map load limit targets.
Version 1.1, September 29 2023:
- OPF load limitation lifted
- FlexFuel fully revised
- Higher FlexFuel ignition timing targets
August 22, 2023:
GEN2 B58 OTS map update
Various changes have been done to our new OTS maps for the B58 gen2.
This includes the intercooler pump is more active over stock, vanos changes to provide more power in the midrange and topend.
Burble activation has been fixed for mild hybrid cars, due to newly introduced limiters and activation switches for the mild hybrid cars, this was not present in our old version of OTS maps.
Moreover, a boost pressure plausability code would show up on mild hybrid cars as well, this has now been addressed.
Map notes:
- Vanos optimised
- Torque limitation fix
- Burble fixed for mild hybrid
- Boost pressure plausability fix
June 18, 2023:
GEN2 B58 and B48 CustomROM Update including Supra (OPF versions) and Femto unlock vehicles
ROMs supported:
R4C9L818B (swfl_00005d55.bin.080_030_008)
R4C9L857B (swfl_00005d55.bin.080_040_007)
R4C9L875B (swfl_00005d55.bin.080_055_005)
R4C9L8N5B (swfl_00005d55.bin.080_060_005)
R4C9L8P7B (swfl_00005d55.bin.080_072_007)
R4C9L8P9B (swfl_00005d55.bin.080_072_009)
R4C9L8PCB (swfl_00005d55.bin.080_072_012)
R4C9P8S8B (swfl_00005d55.bin.080_080_008)
June 6, 2023:
B58-G OTS map update:
Stage 2 AGG OTS maps have been updated to version 2.4:
- Burble updated to be more aggressive
May 30, 2023:
Version 2.0.9 mobile app and system update:
- Datalog channels selection limit check added with 70 max to prevent channel overload
May 11, 2023:
B58-G Multimap OTS update:
Version 1.1, May 11 2023:
- Sport display recalibrated
May 10, 2023:
GEN2 B58 and B48 CustomROM Update including Supra and Femto unlock vehicles
Map config save/sync without internet
DTC Code Read for inactive/shadow codes
Full Offline Custom Tuning support via external Map Editors using BM3C file (bm3 cloud services and map editor are now optional)
OBD Agent 0.50.009 update
Other minor fixes
Release also has partial Mild Hybrid support, full support to be covered in the following release!
ROMs supported:
B58-F Stage 2+ E50 octane OTS update:
Version 2.5, May 10 2023:
- Sport display max values increased to match power and torque
Version 1.2, April 20 2023:
B48-F-L (B48 gen 1):
- Sport display max values rescaled on multimaps
17 April 2023:
B58 Gen 1 Multimap stage 2+ update:
91 octane map slot has been added to map 1:
Map 1: 91 octane
Map 2: 93 octane
Map 3: E30 octane
Map 4: E50 octane
28 March 2023:
B58 Gen 2 (B58-T0-C and B58-T0-D) Stage 2 E50 octane OTS map is now available:
- Increased boost pressure target to 24 psi
- Refined ignition timing target
- Vanos adjustments
- Higher intercooler pump flow for lower intake air temperature
- Reduced coolant targets for better engine cooling
- Gains up to 40% HP / 38% TQ
25 March 2023:
N20-EWG-L-P OTS Map version 4.6 is out.
Map notes:
Version 4.6, January 4, 2023:
- New boost control strategy
- Throttle improvements
This map update improves overall drivability.
Throttle closures have been taken care of in the midrange through changes to boost control.
Burble on the AGG OTS maps have been changed which is also a part of improving the drivability on these AGG OTS maps.
Dec 10, 2022
S58 CustomROM Release
S58 CustomROM support is Now Available !
Over the past year we've worked tirelessly to build significant automation that would allow us to port our CustomROM features across software updates as they get released for vehicles we support. We applied it to the S58 and managed to add support for all 8 S58 software versions including all G8x M3/M4 and G9x X3M/X4M.
FlexFuel, AntiLag, MapSwitching, LiveAdjust Tuning, In-Dash Ethanol Content Check, and close to 5000 tuning tables available in the bm3 Map Editor.
🔸Any new OTS Maps available?
Two new MultiMap OTS maps, Stage 1 and a Stage 2. Each MultiMap contains 4 steering wheel switchable map slots. FlexFuel and Antilag are built into all of them and scale from 0 to 100% ethanol.
🔸Can I get this if my DME is currently LOCKED and requires a FEMTO Unlock?
Yes. You need to purchase a BM3 license, activate your bootmod3 software license, and then send your DME to Femto. We provided Femto with means to load BM3 CustomROM software along with our Transmission Limiter Bypass. Once you get your DME back from Femto, it'll have the BM3 CustomROM on it with their unlock.
🔸Can I get this if my DME is Femto UNLOCKED?
Unfortunately, due to specifics around the Femto unlock, you will need to have your DME resent to Femto for CustomROM software to be applied along side their unlock. Your DME would lose its Femto unlock if we allowed a full flash of the software to be done. If you were to flash the MultiMap without resending it to Femto, you will simply have MultiMap's map1 power available and no CustomROM features.
🔸Do I need to clone my DME for this?
🔸Can I get this if my DME is OBD or Bench unlocked (older X3M/X4M)?
Yes, flash away.
🔸Is there an S58 Flex Fuel hardware kit?
Our S58-specific Flex Fuel kit hardware is on the way so be on the lookout! Any other flex fuel kit based on the off the shelf Zeitronix ECA2 CANBUS controller can also be used. In the meantime, you can use the LiveAdjust screen in the app to scale your ethanol content on demand.
ROMs Supported:
F4C9L8J5B (in progress)
December 8, 2022:
Table support added for R4C9L8PCB - latest ROM version for B48 B58 Gen 2.
OTS maps now available for 330E with B48B20M1 high compression engine
N63T2 OTS maps updated to Version 1.2
- Power increased by using a new load and torque strategy paired with a new ignition timing curve
September 30, 2022:
OTS maps now available for M135i & X2 M35i (4 cylinder B48T1)
August 16, 2022:
Version 1.1, August 15 2022
- Boost pressure increase
- Sport display changed for 6MT cars
- Burble activated for OPF cars
Stage 2 E50 octane OTS added
July 18, 2022:
N55-EWG Stage 2+ OTS map updates:
- New boost control strategy to maximize boost pressure in the midrange with a taper to redline for maximum power output
June 29, 2022:
bootmod3 CustomROM (MapSwitching,FlexFuel,AntiLag) B58-G (B58 G series Gen 1) Engine Support
May 22, 2022:
Table support and RAM channels added for ROM version R4C9L8P7B
May 16, 2022:
Table support and RAM channels added for ROM version R1C9JE15B
May 10, 2022:
Table support added for ROM version V4C9J7N6B
May 9, 2022:
Table support added for ROM version R4C9H6P9B
May 5, 2022:
Table support added for ROM version R4C9F4P7B
- Speed Limiter increased for all PWG cars
- Boost control changed for a smoother boost curve
- Ignition timing curve has been reduced in the lower RPM
- Full table support added for G8X S58 M3/M4 (please note these require a bench unlock only offered by very few) (ROM F4C9L8C5B)
- Full table supprt + RAM channel logging added to B48 hybrids (ROM R1C9I562B)
- S58 X3M/X4M full table support added for (ROMs F4C9G5F5B and F4C9G5H5B)
- Full table support and RAM channel logging added to B58 gen 1 F and G series (ROMs R1C9JD06B and R0C9JD06B)
- Full table support and RAM channel logging added to S63T4 (ROMs H4C99695B and H4C996H5B)
- Full table support and RAM channel logging added to S63TU MEVD172H (ROM 005946)
- Full table support added for B48 gen 1 (ROM R1C9J8D3B)
- Full table support added for B48 gen 1 (ROM R0C9J8I7B)
December 23, 2021:
Bootmod3 B58-G OTS map update - Version 2.2
Power increase / Boost pressure increase / Boost control changes / ignition timing changes are all part of the new version 2.2 B58-F OTS maps.
When comparing the version 2.1 and 2.2 of the Stage 2 93 octane OTS, a noticable difference during spool is shown (torque spike is gone). The torque band is higher throughout the entire RPM range.
Next up we put an upgrade HPFP on the M140i and went on for the Stage 2+ E30 octane OTS. Power was improved throughout the entire RPM range as well.
Many users have been asking for a Stage 2+ E50 octane map, we made that as well :) On stock turbo, this car pushed out 514WHP and almost 600WTQ!
Stage 2 OTS maps were tested on a M140i with a high-flow downpipe and exhaust. When doing the Stage 2+ maps we installed an upgrade HPFP.
Version 2.2, December 14 2021
- 550NM Torque limitation from gearbox disabled, this increases torque over the previous version for those without a TCU flash
- Torque is calibrated for higher load
- Ignition timing tables have been revised to reduce ignition correction during spool
- Overboost at lower engine speed during full load has been addressed
- Boost pressure has been increased over the entire RPM range providing additional power
December 15, 2021:
Bootmod3 B58-F OTS map update - Version 2.2
Power increase / Boost pressure increase / Boost control changes / ignition timing changes are all part of the new version 2.2 B58-F OTS maps.
When comparing the version 2.1 and 2.2 of the Stage 2 93 octane OTS, a noticable difference during spool is shown (torque spike is gone). The torque band is higher throughout the entire RPM range.
Next up we put an upgrade HPFP on the M140i and went on for the Stage 2+ E30 octane OTS. Power was improved throughout the entire RPM range as well.
Many users have been asking for a Stage 2+ E50 octane map, we made that as well :) On stock turbo, this car pushed out 514WHP and almost 600WTQ!
Stage 2 OTS maps were tested on a M140i with a high-flow downpipe and exhaust. When doing the Stage 2+ maps we installed an upgrade HPFP.
Version 2.2, December 14 2021
- 550NM Torque limitation from gearbox disabled, this increases torque over the previous version for those without a TCU flash
- Torque is calibrated for higher load
- Ignition timing tables have been revised to reduce ignition correction during spool
- Overboost at lower engine speed during full load has been addressed
- Boost pressure has been increased over the entire RPM range providing additional power
November 4, 2021:
S58 OTS map update is out - Version 2.5
We made a change to how drivability is on the update, slow/part throttle driving will be more stock-like.
Fuel tables have been modified on pump gas OTS maps to run slightly richer AFR targets in higher RPM/Load area.
Moreover, the S58 Competition LCI Stock tune calibration has been added. This produces slightly more torque (650NM) than the non LCI version from factory.
Version 2.5, November 4 2021:
- Part-throttle drivability improvement
- Richer AFR at higher RPM/load
October 27, 2021:
B48-F-L OTS map updates are out - Version 2.3!
- Many changes have been applied on this update. Biggest change is an increase on the internal torque limitation, this allows the OTS maps to make power - all the way to redline!
- AFR is now a tad richer, this works much better on all octanes, minimizing ignition correction on lower quality fuels.
- Boost pressure target is different, the OTS maps handle that by a limitation in pressure ratio instead.
August 9, 2021:
B48-T0 OTS map update is out - Version 2.0
- CHN91 (Chinese 91) OTS maps have been added for poor fuel quality with lesser ignition timing and slightly less boost pressure over the ACN91 OTS maps.
- We also added E30 OTS maps for those who'd like some more power on their 4 banger
- AGG OTS maps have been optimized for burble so they are really aggressive this time, duration and aggresion have been changed to suit the map name.
- Drivability overall have been improved, yet with better throttle response. This is done through a different torque strategy compared to previous maps making the car feel more comfortable during slow driving but a beast when going WOT
June 16, 2021:
bootmod3 CustomROM (MapSwitching,FlexFuel,AntiLag) N55-M2 Engine Support and the New Map Editor - Now Available!
For details refer to this link:
bootmod3 CustomROM V1 Features + New Map Editor + UI Enhancements
June 2, 2021:
B58-T0-C and B58-T0-D OTS map update is out - Version 2.3
The new update utilizes an increase of TCU limitation to the ECU. This allows for more midrange torque combined with a new boost control strategy.
Moreover, the drivability has greatly improved. Casual driving is now totally different and has a stock-like feeling until pedal goes all the way down.
Ignition timing during spool has also been changed allowing for a slightly quicker spool.
Key features:
- Major improvements on drivability
- TCU limitation of 550NM has been lifted
- Boost control has been improved
- Aggressive OTS map versions now have a more deep burble sound
May 12, 2021:
bootmod3 CustomROM (MapSwitching,FlexFuel,AntiLag) N55 EWG Engine Support and the New Map Editor - Now Available!
For details refer to this link:
bootmod3 CustomROM V1 Features + New Map Editor + UI Enhancements
March 11, 2021:
bootmod3 CustomROM (MapSwitching,FlexFuel,AntiLag) S55 Engine Support and the New Map Editor - Now Available!
For details refer to this link:
bootmod3 CustomROM V1 Features + New Map Editor + UI Enhancements
December 11, 2020:
November 26, 2020:
B48-F-H OTS map update version 2.0 is now out!
Completely new strategy on the new OTS map has been carried out.
Torque calculation and boost control has been changed.
Ignition timing advanced has been changed as well to minimize ignition timing corrections for all the octanes available.
All this results in a flat torque band giving the user great power towards redline.
Map info:
Version 2.0, November 26 2020:
- New torque structure
- Ignition timing revised
- Boost control revised
- Power increase
July 3, 2020:
S58 OTS map version 2.4 is out!
After gathering tons of datalogging from users across the world, even more improvements were found, applied and tested
These findings resulted in a smoother boost curve at high engine speed allowing for a more clean ignition timing curve thus more efficient power, especially on stage 1 cars with stock hardware.
Furthermore, burble is now working better for cars with particulate filter (OPF).Version 2.4, July 3 2020:
- Boost taper at high RPM fixed
- Unstable wgdc at high RPM fixed
- Burble activation for OPF cars
The stock turbo can flow on the B58, but the limitation is the HPFP, with the B58TU HPFP or Dorch Engineering HPFP you can unleash the true beast of your B58!
Boost pressure is around 20 psi
Required hardware:
- High flow downpipe
- Upgraded fuel pump (Dorch Engineering or B58TU fuel pump)
- OEM BMW B58TU Fuel pump part # 13518631642 - This fuel pump is plug and play, Map Configuration should be left unchanged or set to OEM
- If using the Dorch Fuel pump, Map Configuration for the HPFP should be set to DORCH
We recommend XHP transmission flash to take advantage of the high torque
- Boost and load control changes
We spent a lot of time on boost and load control on this Version 2.1
Slightly powerincrease on the topend.
Some users would experience overboost in the lower RPM range causing a midrange to drop slightly in power.
This should now be resolved.
March 31, 2020:
N20-EWG-H-P ACN91 octane OTS maps are now available!
March 24, 2020:
Full support added for ROM R4C9F4C6B (B58-T0-C engine)
B58-T0-C OTS map update version 2.2 is out!
Version 2.2, March 18 2020:
- Fully reworked load and boost control
- Major throttle closure fix post gearchange
February 28, 2020:
Full support added for ROM V4C9F4C6B (N63B engine)
February 27, 2020:
N20-EWG-L-P ACN91 octane OTS maps are now available!
February 22, 2020:
N55-PWG172X OTS map update version 8.1 is out!
Version 8.1, February 22, 2020:
- Boost/load control changed
- Power and torque increase
N55-EWG OTS map update version 7.1 is out!
Version 7.1, February 22, 2020:
- Boost/load control changed
- Power and torque increase
February 19, 2020:
New tables added for B48/B58/B58C/B58D/S58
- LopAsst load limit due to HPFP temperature
- LoPGovr volume flow fuel boost mode hysteresis right
- Low priority HPFP control over RPM (PWM)
- Railpressure deviation
These tables are found under the category 'New tables'
February 18, 2020:
Stage 0+ (M2) calibration added for N55-PWG172X
New table added for B48/B58/B58C/B58D/S58
Injection flow volume for calculation of the HPFP capacity calculation
N20-PWG L map version 4.3 is out!
- Boost control changes
- Load changes
- Ignition timing changes
- Lambda changes
N20-EWG-L-9 map version 3.0 is out!
Version 3.0, February 10, 2020:
- Sport display adjusted
- Load control changes
- Boost control changes
- Ignition timing changes
Stage 1 and 2 E30 octane OTS maps are now available
AGG version of E30 octane OTS is available
N20-EWG-L-P map version 4.5 is out!
Version 4.5, February 10, 2020:
- Boost control changes
- Ignition timing changes
Stage 1 and 2 E30 octane OTS maps are now available
AGG version of E30 octane OTS is available
S58 map version 2.3 is out!
Version 2.3, February 1 2020:
- CEL off for downpipes fixed
- Intertal torque changes
New tables added for S58
- Decat DTC 3 - set to zero
- Decat DTC 4 - set to zero
- Internal torque limit
- Maximum permitted start speed
- Burble changes so config changes applies
- Boost and load control changes
- Drivability improvement
- Sportdisplay changed
- Catheating disabled for stage 2 maps
Jan 29, 2020:
S58 OTS map version 2.2 is up!
- RPM limit fix to prevent limp mode
S58 OTS maps are up!
Stage 1 ACN91, 91, 93 and E30 octane
Stage 2 ACN91, 91, 93 and E30 octane
Racegas and AGG stage 2 OTS maps are available
New tables added for S63T4
- Mass flow quotient for Load (Ceiling) bank 2
- Mass flow quotient for MAF Sensor (Ceiling) bank 2
- Exhaust flap sportmode - 1
- Exhaust flap sportmode - 2
New tables added for B48/B58/B48TU/B58TU/S58/S63T4
- Factor on target boost pressure for calculating the maximum value of the pressure hystersis
- Filter constant for boost target
- Filter constant for the dynamic boost target
- Filter constant between max boost target and actual boost
Jan 27, 2020:
New tables added for B48/B58/B48TU/B58TU/S58
- Maximum permitted start speed
- Maximum permitted start speed (sport plus mode)
- Highest possible engine speed for gearbox protection
- Highest possible engine speed for gearbox protection 2
- Highest possible engine speed for gearbox protection (6MT)
- RPM limit in sport mode
- RPM limit during launch control
- RPM limit in ECO mode,
- RPM limit in comfort mode
- RPM limit for VVT
- RPM limit during throttled operation
- RPM limit for component protection (6MT)
- RPM limit for component protection (AT)
Jan 27, 2020:
Jan 27, 2020:
M Performance map for N55-PWG172 is up!
- Free map, useful for learning the basic steps in tuning - Learn how BMW does it!
Jan 24, 2020:
v0.10.092 is now available.
Fix applied and confirmed that removes Online recode function. It is no longer needed for any reflash scenario and will be removed from the Diagnostics screen in a future release.
Jan 23, 2020:
Updates include:
- Updated 4bar TMAP support including an option to use 'ORIGINAL' for it (for custom tuning)
- Cold start (cat heating) map config change for MG1 Aurix cars B58-T0-C and B58-T0-D cars (Supra, G05 X5, etc).
- More DTC (trouble codes) English translations added
- Implemented a change to recoding the DME on MEVD cars (N13, N20, N55, S55, S63tu, N63tu), should remove need to Online Recode for good. Keeping the Online Recode button under Diagnostics still for the time being.
- Diagnostics -> Read codes, fixed issue with descriptions not showing up.
- Popup error that mentioned Needing full flash before recoding, resolved.
- Offline mode: Fixed menu items not showing up after last release's Help menu addition
- About Screen, reset settings button fix
OBD Agent v0.10.089 is now the minimum required agent release to use.
Jan 20, 2020:
New BETA testing tables added for B48/B58/B48TU/B58TU/S58
Torque above which multiple injection shall not be enabled
Injection timing end of injection
Injection map for high-pressure pump efficiency factor
Injection Monitoring maximum control angle high-pressure pump Setpoint
Maximum injection timing start of injection
Load limit factor based on start of injection
Jan 16, 2020:
New tables added for B48/B58/B48TU/B58TU/S58
- Minimal pedal percentage to activate overboost for 6MT cars
- Minimal pedal percentage to activate overboost for AT cars
- Maximum pressure limitation during a boost error event (raise)
- Characteristic curve of maximum relative fuel mass for plausibility check of the high pressure system
Jan 16, 2020:
S58 Stage 1 93 and E30 octane OTS maps are up!
Jan 13, 2020:
bootmod3 0.10.085 release is now out!
- New vehicle support
- (Map Config) Bosch 4bar TMAP sensor support on all MEVD DME cars (N20, N55, S55, S63tu, N63tu).
- (Map Config) Dorch Engineering HPFP support for 1st gen B58 (B58-F and B58-G, non-T0)
- X3M "Stage 1" OTS maps available in open beta under "OTS Maps". S58 with the 4400lb X3M is showing incredible gains so far including 10.8sec 1/4mile with no mods and just E30 octane, 11.0 on just 93 octane!
- Various dashboard and logging enhancements and fixes
Boost Target math channel added for logging target above ~22psi (2.5bar absolute). This has been available by adding Boost target and deviation channels since the beginning but now its just easier. RAM variable logging tested and coming very soon with additional channels
- Agent startup time further reduced
- "Special Agent" no longer a 'thing' for those with bench unlock DMEs. As of this release you'd simply use the standard release and not touch the unlock/relock.
B58-T0-C OTS map version 2.0 is up!
Version 2.0, December 18 2019:
- Boost control changed
- Ignition timing advance changed
- Power increase
- Boost target changes
Dec 16, 2019
New tables added for B48/B58/B48TU/B58TU
- OPF torque limiter (only for OPF cars)
- OPF torque limiter 2 (only for OPF cars)
N20-EWG-H-P OTS version 3.0 is up!
Version 3.0, December 16 2019
- Boost control changes
- Ignition advance changes
Dec 9, 2019
N63-1728 OTS map version 2.0 and N63-172H OTS map version 5.0 are up!
- New load strategy
- Boost control changed
- Ignition timing target changed
Nov 30, 2019
New table added for B48 B58 TU engines
- Full load characteristic in the function monitoring
Nov 22, 2019
New tables added for B48 B58 and TU engines
- Torque limit 4
- Minimum speed for enabling torque regulation (set to 10)
- Minimum RPM for global torque limiter release (set to 1000)
Nov 19, 2019
New table added for B48 B58 and TU engines
- Burble activation for OPF cars - set to 1
Nov 17, 2019
New table added for B48 B58 and TU engines
- Switch for pressure loss over the catalytic converter (set to zero)
Nov 16, 2019
S55 map update to V9.1 and V2.1 (OPF cars)
Version 2.1/9.1, November 14 2019:
- Boost control changes
- Surge fix as reported by some users
Nov 11, 2019
New table added for B48 B58 and TU engines
- Maximum boost on intake manifold for PID limitation
Nov 7, 2019
New tables added for B48 B58 and TU engines
- Load limitation at HPFP max value
- Torque limitation at K0
Nov 4, 2019
New tables added for B48 B58 engines
- Factor for switching between dynamic boost control (sport mode)
- Integration constant for I-gain
- Overboost activation (6MT)
- Overboost activation (Auto)
- Overboost torque increase
- Overboost activation dependent on modes
- Overboost activation (Auto)
- Torque limiter in Eco mode (6MT)
- Torque limiter in Eco mode (Auto)
- Torque limiter during Launch control (6MT)
- Torque limiter during Launch control (Auto)
- Torque limiter with e-boost (6MT)
- Torque limiter with e-boost (Auto)
- Torque limiter emergency mode
- Torque limiter emergency mode (Auto)
Nov 2, 2019
- Stage 1 91 octane: up to 14% HP / 26% TQ
- Stage 1 93 octane: up to 16% HP / 26% TQ
- Stage 2 91 octane: up to 16% HP / 28% TQ
- Stage 2 93 octane: up to 18% HP / 28% TQ
Stage 2 AGG (Aggressive burble) versions of maps available
Race gas and E30 octane maps are on the way!
Nov 1, 2019
New tables added
- Limit for the maximum calculated torque output raw (NM)
- Limit for the maximum calculated power output raw (kW)
- Activation of fuel request for burble
- Burble switch - set to 3
- Burble switch - set to 1
- Gearbox dependent switch for burble - set to zero across
- Shift dependent burble switch - set to 2
- Switch for fuel cutoff transition - set to 1
- Switch for burble - set to zero across
Oct 25, 2019
N55-PWG172X Version 8.0 OTS maps are out!
Far improved boost control than prior version and increased power throughout the RPM range!
- Boost target increased
- Boost control changed
- New load strategy
- Sport display calibrated
Oct 24, 2019
Full support for B48TU & B58TU version R4C9J718B is now added.
New tables up for B48TU and B58TU:
- Minimum vehicle speed for global release control
- Necessary delta torque after intervention for FS for clutchprotection
- Maximum possible clutch torque at error of sensors
- Minimum permissible limiting torque
- Minimum driver request torque for enabling the control
- Minimum desired torque for diagnosis enable shadow error memory
- Delta torque with disabled I-controller
‘MAX cooling mode’ - this will reduce your water coolant targets by 10 degrees Celsius and applies to ALL engines and ROM versions!
Moreover, for the B engines this enables the intercooler pump to be active at all times to lower intake air temperatures.
GTS startup roar for the N55 EWG and PWG172X
All of this is to be found in the ‘config’ menu
Oct 16, 2019
OBD Agent v0.10.082 is now released. Change includes updated sync functionality of server's last flashed map and additional support on MG1 Aurix (B58-T0 and B48-T0 cars) DME cars.
New tables up for B58TU for cars with OPF to prevent load tapering towards redline
- Reduction factor for OPF cars - set to 1
- Torque reduction switch 1 - set to 0
- Torque reduction switch 2 - set to 0
- Selection of the correction method for lambda setpoint - set to zero
- Torque reduction - set to 9000 across
Oct 15, 2019
Full support for B48TU & B58TU version R4C9H5C5B is now added.
Oct 15, 2019
Full support for B48TU & B58TU version R4C9F4E6B is now added.
Oct 13, 2019
Full support for N20 PWG-H ROM version 543898 is now added.
Oct 7, 2019
Full support for B58TU R4C9H6B5B is now added.
This ROM is found in cars with the B58TU engine (Supra, M340 and Z4 M40)
Oct 2, 2019
S63-1728 OTS map update - Version 5.0
- Boost/load control changes
- Boost target changes
Sept 30, 2019
New tables added for B engines
- Torque limiter switch for emission - set to zero
- Torque limiter switch for emission 2 - set to zero
Sept 26, 2019
New tables added for B engines
- Switch for load limitation at rich AFR
- Lambda rich limit for load limitation
Sept 12, 2019
- OBD Agent update 0.10.080
- Added a pre-run check to 'online recode' to only allow the run if coding is missing
Sept 10, 2019
- A90/J29 Toyota Supra release
- OBD Agent 0.10.079 release
Additional vehicle support
Further connection handling/detection enhancements
Changes/enhancement to recoding process
Aug 16, 2019
N55-EWG ACN91 octane OTS maps are now available!
Stage 1 ACN91 octane
Stage 2 ACN91 octane
Stage 2 ACN91 octane (AGG)
Stage 2H ACN91 octane
Aug 8, 2019
bootmod3 New DME Programming Support - MG1 Aurix!
Development and testing has now been completed on the MG1 Aurix DME programming. That includes the new 2020 Toyota Supra (A90 / J29) among others such as the BMW F90 M5, the new G29 Z4, X5 40i, m340i, G20 330i, etc.
*** NOTE: OTS Maps testing is in beta and we look forward to sharing results very soon! ***
July 23, 2019
- BMW B48 support has now been released out of closed beta and is available to the general public
May 28, 2019
- OBD Agent 0.10.071 Release
- It automates a full flash if anything is off with current state of DME including coding removing the need for anyone to know they should try a full flash for recovery.
- New feature for map config: Upgraded ignition coils support from Precision Racewerks (PR) - N55 Engine. Take your ignition to the next level, far better than OEM.
May 24, 2019
- OBD Agent 0.10.070 Release
- Enhanced data monitoring enabling full time dash without drops. Data handling changes for the upcoming auto-logging/monitoring support
- Various minor changes around dash/logging start/stop and diagnostics
- Startup speed improvements and reconnect enhancements especially for Wifi devices. Fixed bug that required the app to be restarted at times when used with a wifi device
December 3, 2018
- OBD Agent and System version 0.10.042
- Additional DTC (diagnostic trouble code) descriptions
- XDI's HPFP fuel pump support through Map Configuration (N55 engine)
- Map Configuration screen available across all maps, OTS as well as custom
October 11, 2018
- OBD Agent and System version 0.10.037
- DTC (diagnostic trouble code) descriptions now available for all vehicle ECUs expanding on previously available DME codes
October 10, 2018
- OBD Agent and System version 0.10.036
- Additional map configuration settings for exhaust burble
- Additional granularity for settings in the map config screen for existing options
October 2, 2018
- OBD Agent and System version 0.10.035
- Datalog/dash speed improvements
- Vehicle detection enhancements
September 18, 2018
- OBD Agent and system version 0.10.033
- Further flash process and speed optimization
- Fix for dash freezing and intermittent datalog flatlines for some devices
August 16, 2018
- New map configuration option: Boost By Gear (% Reduction)
- New vehicle support: M2 Competition
- OBD Agent and system version 0.10.029
June 15, 2018
- Error message cleanup in OBD Agent and updates for the Full Flash/recovery option.
June 11, 2018
- Rev Match map config support for M3/M4 and M2 with manual transmission
- Toggle rev match ON/OFF for ECO, SPORT and SPORT PLUS
- OBD Agent update 0.10.024, further ROM support
May 31, 2018
- OBD Agent update 0.10.023, changes for handling dual DME (S63tu/N63tu) flash recovery
- Mobile App (iOS and Android) updates published for 0.10.023
March 27, 2018
- Map Configuration screen added enabling adjustability for features on OTS Maps such as:
- Exhaust Burble (OEM, OTS, Custom, OFF)
- Cold Start (cat heating) OFF and OEM
- Cold Start Idle RPM
- TMAP Sensor switch for N20 TMAP Sensor where applicable
- Exhaust flaps OPEN in Sport mode, or OEM
- Speed Limiter defeat (VMAX off)
- Cat Monitors CEL off for off-road/race car configuration